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Reflections on AES: Past, Present, and Future


This time of year marks three years of my running the AES website. Huge thanks to all of you who made Buy Me A Coffee donations. This enabled me to pay for the Wix hosting for another two years (it will run into Winter 2026). 

Looking Back at 2023 and 2024, I count:

Looking Ahead to 2025

  • I hope to continue our zooms - but with a specific focus. My goal for our first zoom is to host a kind of Meet and Greet between Adult Ed and Green Org folks, I'm thinking of groups like Latino Outdoors and the CA Climate Environmental Stewards Program.

  • I will continue to update the website and resource lists, produce blogs and newsletters from time to time, and publish resources found or created by all of you.

  • If you have something to share, please send it on so that I can post it to the website, add it to a resource list, or share with the larger group.

In My Dreams - and Maybe Yours, Too

  • This work becomes institutionalized so that it's a regular and easy to find information on the websites and at conferences for CAEP, CCAE, COABE, CATESOL, CALPRO, LINCS,and all other orgs and agencies that serve, support, and promote Adult Education across the nation.

    • DEI resources - as a topic and as resources - are now included in many conferences and on the drop down menus of many of the orgs and agencies listed above. 

    • We did it for DEI and we can do it for Climate Literacy, Green Job  Pathways, and Sustainability, too - and we must!  Because... 

  • As a field, we understand that Adult Learners generally fall in the high risk category for Climate impacts - and we weave that understanding into our Career Tech, English Learning, and all other programs. To truly serve the communities Adult Ed is entrusted to serve, we must acknowledge and address this truth.

Wishing everyone peace, perseverance, joy, and a thriving, healthy, climate-resilient world in 2025 and beyond --  




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